Friday, October 21, 2016

[PSX] Breath of Fire III - Desert Translation Fix

This Breath of Fire III hack fixes one translation error that can potentially keep you from finishing the game (in case you're playing without the help of online walkthroughs or strategy guides). Once you reach the infamous Desert of Death, a man will tell you how to get out and give you the directions. Because of the huge amount of information, he'll write it down for you so you can re-read everything in the campsite while traveling. If you're playing the official US translation, the notes he wrote will give you the wrong directions, telling you to head the opposite way.

This hack is only compatible with the US release for the PlayStation. It was not tested, however, but it should work fine at least with ePSXe. I couldn't test it because I don't have any cleared BoF3 savegames in my computer, sorry.

[GBA] Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Aria of Sorrow Fix 2

This is a hack of Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow that I uploaded 2 years ago to It's a complement of Radagast's Aria of Sorrow Fix. It reverts his changes taken from Symphony of the Night (accidentally included in the optional patch), fixes the remaining mistranslations and brings the translation a bit closer to the Japanese version. No changes were made to the dialogue, character names or the localisation choices (such as Soma Cruz being a foreigner living in Japan). References to Japanese culture, such as Tsuchinoko or Susanoo, were kept. Read the readme for further information.

This is only compatible with the North American release for the Game Boy Advance.


Almagest's ROM Hacking Blog Created!

Hello, everybody! I am Almagest of!

Here in this blog, I will upload all of my ROM hacks without the need of RHDN's approval. To avoid copyright infringement and DMCA takedowns, only patches of old games will be uploaded and shared. When I speak of old games, I speak of videogames of previous console generations. No hacks/mods of current generation games will be posted. No ROMs or ISOs will be posted either, regardless of their generation. Links to illegal websites or illegal content will not be allowed in the comments. Also, hack/translation requests will not be tolerated here, even if you pay me for them. I like being free and doing what I like. If I ever announce that I am working on a new project, please do not ask when it will be finished. It will be done once it's uploaded and shared with the internet. And please, do not be upset if I don't post regularly, I am a very busy man!

Abandoned/unfinished hacking projects may also be uploaded here, in case somebody else wishes to finish them (please, do not forget to credit me if you do!).

All lovers of retro gaming are welcome here. Enjoy your stay! ^^