Friday, August 18, 2017

[PSX] Final Fantasy VIII - Uncensored Gerogero Boss + Minor Text Changes

I'm not dead yet!

This hack decensors the Gerogero boss of Final Fantasy VIII (PSX version), as well as his Triple Triad card. The American localisation team of Squaresoft censored them back in 1999, fearing that the game would receive an undeserved "M" rating in case they didn't. The monster was originally reddish like the image above, but his textures' colors were changed to blue-ish, so the monster wouldn't look so gory. They also censored a pool of blood in one of the rooms of the final dungeon by turning it into a green liquid, but I couldn't restore it, sorry. I believe these are the only instances of censorship in the US release (Note: the animation of the Devour command is as censored as the original. The only difference is that the Japanese text was translated to English).

 Fighting the monster.

Gerogero card.

The four "Red Gerogero" patches also fix a few text annoyances that were present in the official translation: "Buel", "Katal" and "Mega Phoenix" are now "Buer", "Katar" and "Mega-Phoenix", respectively. I felt that these changes needed to be included ASAP. Changing these names wouldn't require updating any pointers, which is why I did it. I wish I could've made more changes to the translation, but I didn't find any useful text-editing tools for the PSX version on the internet, so I just used a hex editor instead. I've tried the FF8 tools on Qhimm, but they're mostly for the PC version. If anyone with more advanced hacking skills wishes to fix the rest of the translation, please write on the comments below. I'll give you all the information I've gathered about this game's translation. You may also contact me via PM at if you're a user there, or send an e-mail to:

A few more screenshots:

There's also an optional patch that fixes Ultimecia's temporary accent with K's near the end of the game. That was a mistake and shouldn't be there. It must be applied to Disc 4 ONLY.


All patches were tested with ePSXe and worked perfectly.